Still not yet complete, it really took me a lot time.
it might not 100% look like the original, i design base on my imaging and information collected.
Because the official art-book at the moment not yet published.
Finally the abracadrabra Kuso version MV are done Original by a korean girlband name Brown Eyes girls, Korean boyband 2am has also made a kuso version of it. So we have our own version too XP
warning, dont watch if u canot accept kuso
Enjoy the video:
Some Photo by wingle during our video shooting: wow konan has huge power to carry kiske
April 18, Pending De Cosplay Te@m and our friends went to shoot cosplay MV Abracadraba at Taman Budaya. It was very fun today, cant stop to laugh We wear our new Costume: Ky Kiske - Guilty Gear Persona- Minato Arisato Byakuran - Hitman Reborn
Video will upload soon at our facebook and youtube.!/pages/Kuching-Malaysia/Pending-De-Cosplay-Tem/169249487888
Here the Breeze Magazine Issue 24. congratulation Lai Jun Hong won the cosplay photo contest XD
Here the Breeze Mag Issue 23.
Mond的战胜品,依我推测。。他现在应该在房间里偷穿,然后对着镜子说:不错! Mond won this from Breeze Magazine contest, maybe he curi curi wear at his room now...infront mirror said: hmmmmm not bad ho. hehe
今年的圣诞节在虚幻中度过。 This year Christmas cosplayers went to The Spring have Dinner there. Saw many new face, include the betong cosplayer and his friends. Cool, Sarawak should have more cosplayer :P
luffy is cool...after he go xiu his eyesbow haha
the poor prince.......he cant sit on the "king" chair
his weapon same like the logo... no wonder he cant sit on the chair
i have no idea why noct want took this style photo...